Software development for the digital age

Work with a team of young and professional experts to make your next big thing a reality.

Hero Illustration
Trusted by 2000+ customers worldwide
DotEnv Benefits

Why should you consider us?

As a young software development agency, we specialize in leveraging cutting-edge technology to solve real-world challenges. Welcome to the frontier of innovation, where your vision meets our expertise. Together, we'll pioneer tomorrow's digital landscapes.


Highlight your benefits

You can use this space to highlight your first benefit or a feature of your product. It can also contain an image or Illustration like in the example along with some bullet points.

Understand your customers

Then explain the first point breifly in one or two lines.

Improve acquisition

Here you can add the next benefit point.

Drive customer retention

This will be your last bullet point in this section.


Offer more benefits here

You can use this same layout with a flip image to highlight your rest of the benefits of your product. It can also contain an image or Illustration as above section along with some bullet points.

Mobile Responsive Template

Nextly is designed as a mobile first responsive template.

Powered by Next.js & TailwindCSS

This template is powered by latest technologies and tools.

Dark & Light Mode

Nextly comes with a zero-config light & dark mode.

Interested in working with us?

Send us an email and we'll get in touch!

DotEnv is a software development agency based in Montenegro. We are a team of passionate developers who love to build modern products.

Dr Vukašina Markovića 218,
81000 Podgorica Montenegro
PIB - 03368220
PDV broj - 70/31-02372-0
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